It has been a real privilege to serve as the interim First Civil Service Commissioner since September 2021, when Ian Watmore completed his fixed five-year term, and the Government started the open competition to recruit the next First Civil Service Commissioner.

The Commission has had an exceptionally busy few months, with the arrival of four new Commissioners to join the Board and Departments continuing to run very high levels of senior competitions chaired by Commissioners.  Each of our 10 Commissioners is linked with specific departments or professions to build collaborative relationships, while maintaining the balance as its regulator.

The Commission’s role as independent regulator of Civil Service appointments is an important part of the constitutional ‘checks and balances’ in our system. Put simply, the Commission is responsible for providing assurance to the public that people joining the Civil Service have been recruited on merit, after a fair and open process. The Commissioners chair senior level recruitment panels but do not have a role in retention or internal moves and promotions of civil servants: that is a matter for management within Government Departments.

As a Board, we have long been in favour of allowing both existing civil servants and external recruits to compete for posts. Ultimately, it is a decision for Departments and Ministers on whether a vacancy is opened up to external applicants.

At times, attracting external candidates to apply for Civil Service positions can be challenging, particularly for more technical and specialist functions.  The Commission plays an important role here in making sure that appointments processes are accessible and fair to all, and attract a diverse field, from how adverts are worded through to assessments that may be more familiar to some than others.

Our job as the chair of senior recruitment competitions is to help the panel test candidates’ skills and experience against the criteria and identify the best overall candidate for a specific position.   All candidates must go through the same presentations, psychological testing, staff engagement exercises and media tests as well as traditional panel interviews. There are also opportunities for reserve list candidates to be offered other positions, if they require very similar skills, and the Commission supports efforts to increase efficiency and avoid duplication.

And of course, many candidates, who at the point of applying are existing Civil Servants, may have spent a large part of their careers in the private or voluntary sector. It is clear that the old stereotypes don’t really reflect the modern Civil Service.

As Chair, Commissioners want to see that Departments plan their appointment processes carefully, to make sure they have considered the diversity of panel membership, included a Non-Executive Director or key stakeholder, and encouraged Ministers to meet with Commissioners early in the process to answer any questions and meet shortlisted candidates appropriately as part of the process.

To deliver the government’s priorities, the Civil Service must continually recruit, train and retain people with the relevant skills and experience.  The Commission also supports Civil Service initiatives that encourage movement between the civil service and external organisations to help build new or specialist skills and expertise in the longer term.  The Commission champions diversity in its broadest sense, supporting the Government’s priority of civil service reform and levelling up and launched the new “Mark of Excellence” to showcase outstanding innovation and commitment in the recruitment of diverse candidates into the Civil Service on Feb 2nd 2022.

Undoubtedly the Covid -19 pandemic has been a huge national challenge. As its regulator, the Commission has reacted to enable the government and the Civil Service to quickly bring in the range of skills necessary to serve the country through this time.

For example, the Commission agreed the appointment of 5 Directors, 4 Deputy Directors and a Director General for the Vaccines Taskforce to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. The Director General was seconded in to develop a long-term vaccines strategy. We also assisted the Ministry of Justice and HM Prison and Probation Service to redesign their recruitment processes, when face-to-face recruitment was not possible, moving to virtual role play whilst maintaining fair and open competition.

What has always fascinated me about the Civil Service is the huge range and diversity of roles.  As well as the draw of public service, it offers individuals truly unique opportunities and development and great potential for the public sector to learn from other sectors and vice versa.

On 9th December 2021 the Government announced Baroness (Gisela) Stuart of Edgbaston as the preferred candidate following an open competition to recruit the next First Commissioner. She was formally appointed after she appeared before the House of Commons PACAC for pre-appointment scrutiny on 3rd February.

I would like to thank my fellow Commissioners, the Chief Executive and the secretariat team for supporting me so ably during my period as interim First Commissioner and very warmly welcome Gisela as she takes up this important public role.

Rosie Glazebrook

Civil Service Commissioner (2017-22), interim First Civil Service Commissioner Sep’21-Feb’22)

The Civil Service Commission is launching a ‘Commissioners’ Mark of Excellence’ to showcase outstanding innovation and commitment in the recruitment of diverse candidates across all grades into the Civil Service.

The award will champion diversity in its broadest sense, supporting the Government’s priority of ‘levelling up’ and the Civil Service reform agenda of an innovative and skilled Civil Service. 

With our shared aims of encouraging people of all backgrounds to reach their potential in the civil service, cross-government networks have endorsed and support this award, along with the Cabinet Secretary, Simon Case: 

“This new award will highlight innovative hiring practices that help attract and recruit diverse fields of candidates for a career in the Civil Service. The Civil Service has an incredible array of different roles and functions – from data analysts to work coaches and prison officers. Recruiting talented individuals, from a wide range of backgrounds across the United Kingdom, is vital to effectively deliver government services and ensure the Civil Service truly reflects the country it serves.”

How to Apply

The Commissioners’ Mark of Excellence is open to all departments and organisations that are audited by the Civil Service Commission. If you would like to be considered please refer to the compliance scorecard survey which is sent to you as part of the Commission’s compliance audit in March or ask your Head of HR.

The award will be judged by a panel, led by Natalie Campbell MBE, made up of  independent Commissioners, representatives from cross government networks and  private sector figures. The Mark of Excellence will be given to the department/s or organisation/s that have demonstrated consistent excellent practice in promoting a career in the Civil Service and widening opportunities to reach a more diverse demographic.

For example: 

  • Improving wording of job descriptions and advertising strategy to encourage greater diversity.
  • Outreach – for example, leaders working with schools and organisations across the country to provide mentoring, employability skills training and work experience.
  • Schemes and programmes - for example, the Care Leaver Internship Scheme, Summer Diversity Internship, Early Diversity Internship Programme, Autism Exchange Internship, Going Forward into Employment, Movement to Work etc.
  • Entering the Top 75 Social Mobility Employers register for the first time.
  • Great Place to Work for Veterans initiative

Winners and case studies will be published in the Commission's Annual Report & Accounts, on its website and throughout Civil Service social media channels. On the back of the Commission’s successful ‘Diverse senior leaders talk about working in the Civil Service’ blog series that we regularly publish, we will interview the winning teams to both commend their efforts and ask how they achieved their diversity success to act as inspiration for other departments. Winners will be able to publicise their achievement with an award logo on all their recruitment advertisements for one year.

For further information on how to apply please contact Heidi Ferguson -

Martin Spencer
Civil Service Commissioner - Martin Spencer

Tell us a little about yourself and your career background?

I studied an Economics and Accountancy degree at University with vague thoughts of becoming an accountant, however I had started to become fascinated by the emerging possibilities for computing and so, when I left University, I was very excited to join ICL, a large UK-based computer manufacturer. I trained initially as a COBOL programmer (apparently a rare skill these days!) and then as a data analyst and worked as a data analyst for the next 5 years or so before being given the chance to run the company’s Data Analytics business, which was the first time I had had full accountability for all aspects of business management. I have to say that I loved the responsibility and ran the business unit for the next five years. 

At about the height of the so called “ boom” in 1998 I moved to KPMG Consulting to run their High-Tech practice, a business and technology consulting group that worked with clients across the High-Tech sector and with many of the “” start-up businesses. Needless to say that was great fun but also a bit of a rollercoaster ride as the “ boom” quickly turned into the “ bust”! KPMG then gave me my first real taste of working with the Public Sector as I moved to run KPMG Consulting’s Health Applications business. 

From there I became a Director of a Public Sector consulting business called Detica and through the 2000s we had a phenomenal time, growing the business at about 40% per annum until the company was acquired by BAe Systems in 2009. That seemed like a good time to move on so I joined the French IT Services business Capgemini, and over the course of 8 years I was responsible for their Public and Private Sector businesses in the UK and Northern Europe. 

My final career move in the commercial sector was to become Senior Vice President for NTT DATA in Northern Europe. NTT is a large Tokyo-based conglomerate, 60th largest business in the world, running some of the world’s largest Public Sector digital transformation programmes and I was responsible for that work in Northern Europe. 

I have always had a strong belief in the importance of public services for the wellbeing of all in our society and so in 2019 I decided to step back from my commercial business roles and concentrate on Non-Executive work with Government in the UK. Over time I was lucky enough to be offered Non-Exec Director roles with the Ministry of Justice, the Department of Health and Social Care, BEIS and the Department for Education. In many ways this has been the most rewarding work of my career, and so I was delighted when I had the opportunity to apply to join the Civil Service Commission as a Commissioner.

Away from work I am married with four children, three grown up daughters and a son who is just about to sit his GCSE exams. My wife is the Business Manager for a school here in Hampshire, one of our daughters is a mental wellbeing practitioner for the NHS, one is a teacher and one has followed me into the digital and technology sector. In our spare time my son and I seem to spend most of our time travelling around the south of England watching football and cricket matches, some of which he plays in. Idyllic in the summer, pretty cold in the winter!

What made you want to apply to be a Civil Service Commissioner?

Throughout my business career it has always been clear to me that one of the most important things for a business leader to do is to ensure that all leadership talent can blossom and fulfil its potential. And that ethos is at the heart of the Civil Service Commission. Moreover I have seen first-hand, in my own businesses, that diversity of experience and thought is critical for any organisation, and can be a real, significant differentiator and an enabler of extraordinary organisational performance. And if through my work as a Civil Service Commissioner I can help to promulgate that culture in the UK Civil Service I will be delighted. 

As a new Commissioner, what do you think the Civil Service could do better to help attract a wider range of candidates?

The UK Civil Service is a great place to work, with a huge range of roles and opportunities which can provide the most rewarding career experience. We should think about how we articulate the “whole” Civil Service offer, including career potential, culture and environment, purposefulness, geographic coverage, all rewards and benefits, breadth of opportunity, etc. 

Which Departments will you be the linked Commissioner for?

I will be Link Commissioner for the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and for the Department for International Trade. I will also be the Link Commissioner for the Government Commercial Function. All of which I am looking forward to working with enormously.

Paul Kernaghan - Civil Service Commissioner

Tell us a little about yourself and your career background?

I was born and educated in Belfast and was the first in my family to remain in education after the age of fourteen. I enlisted in the Ulster Defence Regiment as soon as I turned eighteen and was subsequently commissioned, commanding a rifle platoon for two years. On graduating from university [LLB Hons], I joined the Royal Ulster Constabulary under the then Graduate Entry Scheme. I served throughout Northern Ireland and then transferred to the West Midlands Police as a Superintendent. That experience of policing a predominately urban and ethnically diverse population was followed by two chief officer roles in North Yorkshire which was totally different. In 1999 I was appointed as the Chief Constable of Hampshire Constabulary. I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed that role for over nine years with Hampshire and the Isle of Wight providing every possible policing challenge. On retiring from the police, I spent a year in Israel/OPT advising and supporting the Palestinian Civil Police as Head of the EUPOL COPPS Mission. I was then fortunate to undertake a series of public service appointments which I felt were worthwhile, interesting and to which I believed I could contribute. I was the first ever House of Lords’ Commissioner for Standards and most recently the Judicial Appointments and Conduct Ombudsman.

On a more human and important note, I am married to Mary, a retired Nurse and Midwife, with one grown up daughter. The final member of our family being an assertive White West Highland Terrier. 

What made you want to apply to be a Civil Service Commissioner?

I have always believed in a professional, nonpartisan public service where advancement is based solely on merit. Thus, the core mission of the Civil Service Commission is one I identify with, and I feel my professional background is relevant to the role. 

As a new Commissioner, what do you think the Civil Service could do better to help attract a wider range of candidates?

I recognise that responsibility for recruitment is primarily a matter for the Civil Service itself. However, the Civil Service Commission has historically sought to encourage and support diversity and inclusion initiatives within the context of a service appointed on merit following fair and open competition. Personally, I would like to see the Civil Service capitalise on the reality of its work. Thus, the idea of a ‘Your Nation, Your Service’ type campaign appeals. The Civil Service is intrinsic to nearly every aspect of national life and a service which represents the nation is, better equipped to deliver in a relevant and effective manner. I suspect the Civil Service is seen by many citizens to be composed solely of tax officials and benefit office personnel, presided over by male and female versions of Sir Humphrey Appleby. The reality is obviously far more diverse, and that reality should be better promoted. In essence, the Civil Service has a range of employment opportunities which should appeal to and provide opportunities for everyone. 

Which Departments will you be the linked Commissioner for?

I will be the Link Commissioner for the Ministry of Defence and the Department for Education. Two large but very different departments.

This is the first blog in a new series of posts that will be introducing our newly appointed Commissioners.

Paul Gray - Civil Service Commissioner

Tell us a little about yourself and your career background?

I joined in the civil service in 1979, having left school earlier that year to work on a farm. I started as a clerical officer and after a few months I transferred into computing, which I suppose would be called digital now. I learned how to be a computer programmer and then a systems analyst, and then moved to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board to be responsible for their computer section and their appeals casework. My next role was to lead on fisheries quota management and licensing, including UK wide and EU negotiations; then I returned to digital where I was responsible for the implementation of technology and systems for the Scottish Parliament which was established in 1999. My final role in digital was the head of the digital profession and director of technology for the Scottish Executive. I then moved on to policy roles, the first of which was Director of Social Justice and then Director of Primary and Community care in NHS Scotland, and then HR Director in the Scottish Government, where I led a substantial restructuring across the whole organisation. I was appointed Director General for Rural Affairs, Environment and Services in 2009, Director General for Governance and Communities in 2010, and in late 2013, Chief Executive of NHS Scotland and Director General for health and social care. I left the civil service in early 2019 I now have a portfolio of roles including the Open University, University of Glasgow, the Care Inspectorate in Scotland, the Royal College Physicians Edinburgh, and consultancy.

I have been married since 1982, which is a testament to my wife’s good nature and patience. We have three adult children, all of whom are married and live within a 3 mile radius of us, and we have four grandchildren aged from 9 months to six years old, who are a source of joy and perspective.

What made you want to apply to be a Civil Service Commissioner?

I believe that open, fair and transparent recruitment is essential to maintain and build public trust in appointments to the civil service. I think that the Commission fulfils a valuable role in this regard and I believe that there is scope to increase its impact in terms of diversity and openness.

As a new Commissioner, what do you think the Civil Service could do better to help attract a wider range of candidates?

The civil service should continue to develop its narrative about the wide range of roles available, and the many different ways in which civil servants serve the population. It should also put further effort into attracting and recruiting a diverse range of people from as wide a range of backgrounds and circumstances as possible, to enhance the insights available to it, and to develop the credibility of its policy and delivery.

Which Departments will you be the linked Commissioner for?

I will be the linked Commissioner for the Scottish Government and I look forward to working with them, and with other departments, to secure the best possible candidates for the diverse range of roles offered by the civil service.

The Civil Service Commission is an independent statutory body that oversees appointments to the Civil Service, ensuring that they are made on merit on the basis of fair and open competition. Commissioners also promote and hear appeals brought under the Civil Service Code. 

The new Commissioners come from both private and public sector backgrounds and will bring valuable experience to the Commission.  They are: 

Paul Kernaghan

Sarah Pittam

Martin Spencer

Martin Spencer

Paul Gray

The new Civil Service Commissioners have been appointed by Her Majesty on the recommendation of the Minister for the Civil Service after an open competition.

The Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Minister for the Cabinet Office, the Rt Hon. Steve Barclay said:

“The Civil Service Commission plays an important role in ensuring a high performing Civil Service that is well placed to meet the challenges of the future. I strongly welcome the appointment of these four new Commissioners, who will bring a range of valuable experience and expertise to the Civil Service Commission. ”

Ian Watmore, the First Civil Service Commissioner said:

"These new Commissioners arrive as I step down after my statutory five year term. They individually and collectively bring much to the Commission, and they will join an outstanding current group of Commissioners, led by Rosie Glazebrook until my successor is appointed. I am confident that I am leaving the Commission in good hands as a result and wish them all the best of luck in what is a great role."

The new Commissioners announced today will join the Commission Board from 1 October 2021. Commissioners work part-time, typically between four and eight days a month.

Rosie Glazebrook has been appointed as the interim First Civil Service Commissioner while the Cabinet Office completes the appointment process for Ian Watmore’s successor.

The First Civil Service Commissioner leads the Civil Service Commission, which regulates appointments to the Civil Service and hears appeals from civil servants under the Civil Service Code. The First Commissioner also chairs the recruitment panels for Permanent Secretary posts.

Ian Watmore’s 5-year term ends on 30 September 2021.

Rosie Glazebrook has been a Civil Service Commissioner since 2017. She currently chairs the Copyright Licensing Agency and its associated company Publishers’ Licensing Services. She is also a Council Member of the General Optical Council and chairs a NHS Research Ethics Committee and a Member of BSI’s Standards Policy and Strategy Committee. Her previous Board/Non-Executive Director positions include the Food Standards Agency and in NHS, regulatory and commissioning bodies. Rosie previously held commercial positions in the private sector in media, publishing and health data organisations. 

The deadline for applications for the post of First Civil Service Commissioner closed on 13 September and an announcement will be made by the Cabinet Office in due course, following cross party consultation. The preferred candidate for First Commissioner is also subject to pre-appointment scrutiny by the House of Commons Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee. 

Watch a short film about the work of the Commission

PRESS NOTICE 21 July 2021

Civil Service Commission – annual report and accounts 2020 - 2021

The independent Civil Service Commission, which regulates Civil Service appointments to provide assurance that they are made on merit after fair and open competition, published its annual report for 2020 – 21 today.

The annual report contains a range of statistics and information about the Commission’s work including:

  • 60,487 people were recruited to the Civil Service through open and fair competition this year, up 53% on the previous year.
  • Commissioners chaired 163 competitions at senior levels this year, comparable with 161 in the previous year.
  • Black and minority ethnic candidates made up 23% of people recruited (SCS Pay band 2 and below) in 2020 – 2021, up from 19% in the previous year.
  • where declared 8% of people recruited reported having a disability, up from 6% in the previous year.
  • 121 Code appeals received this year. 
  • The Commission accredited 25 ‘Life Chance’ schemes to support individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds into Civil Service roles.

Ian Watmore, First Civil Service Commissioner, said:

“This is my final report as First Commissioner. Looking back, since the current Commission came together in 2016/17, the UK has faced unprecedented challenges – whether from Brexit and COVID-19, socio-economic tensions, security concerns or the increasing pace of science and technology – and it has been ever more dependent on its Civil Service to respond. 

“The Commission has played an important part in that response, acting as a flexible and pragmatic regulator, supporting the priorities of the government of the day, and working with Parliament to deliver the spirit of the Constitutional Reform and Governance Act.  It does that by relentlessly doing the day job well - setting Recruitment Principles, leading and auditing recruitments, promoting the Civil Service Code, seriously investigating appeals and complaints, being flexible when we can and standing up to abuses when we must. 

“And, as its ‘regulator’, we will continue to challenge the Civil Service strategically, to retain relevance and to be representative of the society it serves. 

“As First Commissioner, I am personally most proud of what we have been able to do to develop accreditation schemes to enable people from disadvantaged backgrounds the opportunity to become civil servants, providing them with life chances, improving the diversity and lived experience of the Civil Service, and supporting government priorities such as reducing reoffending or supporting veterans. From a standing start, and overcoming all the obstacles that inevitably cropped up, the Civil Service now has a sustainable model for recruiting individuals who previously were not accessible to them – ex-offenders, military veterans, care leavers, people with Down’s syndrome, and many others.

“It has been an honour to lead the Commission through this period. As the UK begins its recovery from this unique period in history, I believe its role providing public assurance on the integrity of Civil Service appointments, as well as offering challenge and support to the Civil Service, is as important today as it has ever been.”

Download the 2020 – 2021 annual report (PDF, Opens in a new window) 

Download the interactive 2020 - 2021 annual report (PDF, Opens in a new window)

Watch our short videos

Notes to Editors

  1. Media enquiries about the work of the Commission should go to Maggie O’Boyle on 07880 740 627. 
  2. More information about the work of the Commission is available on its website
  3. You can also follow the Commission on twitter @CivServComm
  4. The Civil Service Commission was established as a statutory body in November 2010 under the provisions of the Constitutional Reform and Governance Act 2010. The Commission is independent of Ministers and the Civil Service. It is responsible for upholding the requirement that recruitment to the Civil Service is on merit on the basis of fair and open competition. 
  5. The Commission comprises senior figures from the private, public and third sectors. Civil Service Commissioners are appointed by the Crown for five-year non-renewable terms of office. The Cabinet Office is currently recruiting new Commissioners following an open competition.
  6. Ian Watmore’s 5-year term as First Civil Service Commissioner ends in September. The Cabinet Office will be advertising the First Commissioner post in due course. 

Naheed Hussain

In our eighth blog in this series, Naheed Hussain, Deputy Chief Crown Prosecutor - Legal Development - CPS, talks about her experience of working in the Civil Service.

About Naheed

Naheed is a Deputy Chief Crown Prosecutor (DCCP) in CPS headquarters. She leads the Team that is responsible for the delivery of legal training to Solicitors and Barristers in the CPS. Before moving to CPS HQ, Naheed has held DCCP posts in the Specialist Fraud Division as well as in London, Wales, Yorkshire and Humberside.

What do you think the civil service needs to do to attract more candidates from a more diverse background into senior roles? What advice do you have for recruiters?

I think it's important we really highlight the excellent HR policies we have in place and also the wealth of support that is available from staff networks and colleagues. Like others who have contributed to this series, I also think seeing diverse role models at senior levels is vital too. When people think of joining the Civil Service, if they see senior leaders being open about their disabilities, particularly the non-visible ones - it demonstrates that the Civil Service applies its policies and lives up to them.

What could the civil service do better to attract and retain civil servants from a more diverse background overall (at any level)? What do you see as the barriers?

I think we could do a lot more community engagement work, particularly at schools for the 15+ age group. The diverse and wide-ranging job opportunities available in the Civil Service and the opportunities for career development are not as well understood in my experience in BAME or disabled communities. I think the approach recently taken by GCHQ to attract candidates with neurodiverse conditions should be explored by other Departments too.

What has been your personal experience of working in the civil service? What made a difference to you?

I acquired my non-visible disability neurodiverse conditions following an accident when I was already in the Civil Service at an SCS1 grade. My department has been wonderful in supporting me at my current grade. I have also had a lot of support from the FDA and the Disability Staff Network. What has made a real difference to me has been the understanding and support of my team and my peers.

Why is diversity particularly important at senior levels?

For me, it's about representing the country we serve. A diverse workforce - and diverse senior leadership team - means we can get the best from our people and deliver outcomes that better serve all the communities in this country.

What experiences did you have working at a senior level in the private sector? Are there lessons that the civil service can learn from the private sector in terms of recruiting staff from a more diverse background?

I can’t really answer this as I have no recent experience of working in the private sector. From what I hear from peers in the private sector, the Civil Service is way ahead, at least in the legal profession. 

What drives and motivates you in your career?

Essentially, I am motivated by the idea of public service. I want to do my best to contribute to a fair and effective criminal justice system.

What are your interests and hobbies outside work?   

In my spare time, I enjoy paragliding, travelling, swimming (pre-Covid obviously), yoga, playing with my grandchildren, cooking and reading.

The second online disability event on Wednesday 28th April was aimed at both prospective candidates for Senior Civil Service roles who have a disability and hiring managers alike. The event was chaired by the Chief Executive of the Civil Service Commission, Peter Lawrence OBE. The panel of speakers included an independent Civil Service Commissioner, Rosie Glazebrook alongside Seonaid Webb MBE (Deputy Director, DEFRA and Deputy Disability Champion), Jo Oakley (CS Workplace Adjustments Service Team Leader) and John Knight (The Commission’s Disability Advisor).

The Civil Service Commission regulates recruitment into the Civil Service to make sure it is fair, open and merit-based. Commissioners personally chair recruitment competitions for senior roles.

The panel covered a range of topics of relevance, as well as giving hints and tips based on their own experiences:

  • What are the Recruitment Principles?
  • What do Commissioners look for?
  • Interview tips and guidance
  • Workplace Adjustments
  • Q&As throughout via Slido

The full recording of the event can be found through the link below:

In addition, there were a number of unanswered questions on Slido that the panel did not have time to address during the live event. The questions and answers can be found below:

1. Does the civil service have to hire a certain amount of people with disabilities into senior management? Do they positively discriminate in any way?

No, there are no targets for recruiting people with disabilities into senior management. The Civil Service does not positively discriminate on any protected characteristics, although there are often positive actions available such as mentoring or development programmes that help prepare people for the future.

2. How do you counter the self-limiting belief that questions whether you only got the interview because of your disability?

Your disability is a part of you, but it doesn’t have to define you or limit what you can achieve. Know that you have met the minimum standards to progress to the interview stage through your skills, knowledge, experience and work ethic. Review your sift scores and any feedback. Speak to a coach/mentor/your line manager and take time to reflect on your CV, Behaviour examples and Personal Statement and everything you’ve achieved in your career to date. 

3. I'm curious, why is there such a heavy presence of psychologists and psychometric testing during these recruitment processes?

Any assessments included in the process are decided in order to enhance the evidence about candidates and are tailored to the role. 

4. When you are invited to interview - do they assess who goes forward simply from the interviews or do they take the application and interview into account?

All aspects of the evidence gathered during the process are taken into account.  If there have been assessments, questions relating to these may be asked in the final interview, together with the initial application and final interview. 

5. Do you have any tips for hiring managers who are recruiters on how to break down the perception barrier of DCS/GIS declarations on applications, being considered as unconscious bias and candidates not being progressed?

By ensuring there are diverse sift and interview panels who have completed the appropriate success profiles, disability confident and/or equality and diversity training. Anonymise this information from the sift process, and ensure the sift panel have set and agreed on a clear minimum standard or score prior to the sift taking place. Only share with the sift/interview panel the information they would need to be aware of as the candidate progresses through different stages of the recruitment process, e.g. if an individual was invited to interview the panel and those organising the interviews would need to be aware of any requested adjustments such as, for example, wheelchair access requirements, extended interview time, regular breaks etc.

6. Could a dyslexic person have interview questions in advance if they requested it as a reasonable adjustment? What are the Commission’s views on whether this gives them an unfair advantage over other candidates?

We would expect departments to consider each request for reasonable adjustments on its own merits, as well as considering whether one candidate is advantaged by the process. You would need to consider whether your process could be seen as creating a disadvantage to a person with a declared disability. The purpose of the Disability Confident scheme and reasonable workplace adjustments is to create a level playing field for someone with a disability. We would therefore expect you to consider the specific nature of the disability and take advice where necessary. Allowing sight of the questions shortly before the interviews, or granting additional time are all examples of reasonable workplace adjustments, as long as we can see the justification for using them, the Commission would be content.

One consistent record of the interview should be retained by the department, agreed by the whole panel, and the appointment made on merit.

7. Is there an alternative to lodging formal complaints when things seem to have gone wrong? Sometimes the process can feel somewhat Kafka-esque!

The first step is to seek feedback and find out why you were unsuccessful – the response may well explain what happened and why, leading you to review the basis of your complaint. If you remain dissatisfied, then you can make a formal complaint through the appropriate process as set out in the original advert.  

8. With the new DELTA (Disability Scheme) programme being launched for this year's Future Leaders Scheme, do presenters feel that the way the Civil Service is run will need to fundamentally change to accommodate more disability in the SCS? Eg changing deadlines for papers, accommodating new ways of working for Board meetings etc?

As part of the CS Reform Agenda, Smarter Working in the Civil Service (formerly Build Back Better), is taking forward the positive lessons from the Pandemic on different ways of working. They are looking at hybrid ways of working, which will support accessibility and inclusion, health and wellbeing and work-life balance.   

9. How do you go about getting an assessment for what adjustments you might need? Or do you suggest them yourself?

If you think you may need workplace adjustments (you will, of course, probably be best placed to judge)  speak to your line manager and check on your department’s intranet site for Workplace Adjustment Guidance. The assessment routes will differ depending on which department you work in. The guidance should explain your department’s end to end workplace adjustment process and signpost you to the correct routes from assessments, through to the procurement of your adjustments. Some departments use the Civil Service Workplace Adjustment Service, others will have a central HR or Health & Safety team or line managers arrange assessments directly through their Occupational Health (OH) providers. 

It is worth noting that OH assessments aren’t always necessary, and can cause unnecessary expense and delay implementing adjustments. Depending on the type of disability or health condition, and how long you have lived with this, you may know exactly what adjustments you need to remove any barriers and support you effectively in the workplace. Completing a Workplace Adjustment Passport might help your line manager to understand your needs and support you better. 

If you have any other questions please email us at:

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